

27th June 2019

In the last year the Alton foodbank provided food for 1011 people of which 477 were children; an increase of 16% over the previous year. In total the foodbank received and then distributed around 10 tonnes of food and toiletries. The food was all donated by the local community and we are really grateful for the generous support of the community. In addition, the foodbank continued to run a “school uniform bank” providing good quality used school uniform to those referred to the foodbank.

The foodbank distribution centre and its associated warehouse is staffed by over 50 committed volunteers. We would like everyone for their continued support of the foodbank.

Alton foodbank continues to provide a vital lifeline for people in our community and although we can take no pleasure in the increasing number of people using the foodbank we can be grateful that we have been able to support them.

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