
A massive thank you to the local community

2nd April 2024

The Alton foodbank would like to than the local community for their generous  support of the food bank in 2023. It was another busy year. In total the foodbank handled 1046 referrals and distributed 29,900 kg of food. That provided a generous supply of food and household goods for 2862 people (1543 adults and 1319 children).
In total just over 80% of food was donated “in kind” and the remainder was purchased using funds donated to the foodbank. During the year the foodbank continued to offer everyone who referred to the foodbank a home delivery of fruit and vegetables from a local supplier all of which was funded by donations received from local people.
Alton Foodbank is part of the Trussell Trust network of foodbanks whose mission is to end the need for foodbanks. With that in mind, as well as providing emergency food aid the foodbank funded a part time Citizens’ Advice advisor to work with people to help address their underlying issues. This will continue in 2024.
It looks like 2024 will be another busy year for the foodbank but we enter the year with our warehouse fully stocked thanks to the generosity of the local community.

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