School Uniform Bank Update & Community Fayre
1st June 2021
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The Alton foodbank collects and sorts school uniform and then makes it available at no charge to families who come into the foodbank or are referred by their school. While we have good supplies of the school uniform basics such as grey trousers, white or blue shirts, polos etc, we are really in need of the more expensive items that can only be purchased from specialist school suppliers. Items such as blazers, Amery & Eggars skirts, PE kit, and any other items with a school badge or logo on. If you have any of these items we would be pleased to receive them.
In addition, thanks to the generosity of local people, we are able to buy new uniform for families referred by schools if we don’t have the right size in stock.
On June 19th we will have a stall at the Alton Community Fayre, Public Gardens, 10-2pm where we will be making available our surplus school trousers, skirts, shirts and blouses etc to anyone who could use them. If people would like to make a donation, all money received will go towards buying the more expensive items of school uniform for families in need.