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Citizens Advice Partnership

Alton Foodbank has a dedicated advisor at Citizens Advice who is available to help foodbank clients. They are there to help people with advice across a broad range of issues such as benefits advice, employment issues and energy bills, helping them to have more money in their pocket. All conversations are confidential to the client […]

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A massive thank you to the local community

The Alton foodbank would like to than the local community for their generous  support of the food bank in 2023. It was another busy year. In total the foodbank handled 1046 referrals and distributed 29,900 kg of food. That provided a generous supply of food and household goods for 2862 people (1543 adults and 1319 […]

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Alton Foodbank is collecting “badged” school uniform

The Alton foodbank collects and distributes Amery Hill School uniforms to families referred to the foodbank. We no longer stock primary uniforms or Eggars School uniforms.  If people need different uniforms, we point them to the Alton Clothes Bank or to the school in question for help.   We are grateful to receive all donations that […]

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Alton Foodbank to open Tuesday evenings 6.30-7.30 pm

To ensure that the foodbank is as easy to access as possible for people it is now opening on a Tuesday evening 6.30-7.30 pm in addition to its established Wednesday 12.30-2.00 pm and Saturday 10.30-12.00 sessions. It is hoped that this will enable people who cannot visit during the day to be able to visit […]

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Alton foodbank partners with the fuelbank foundation

Those families on pre-paid utility meters are most at risk of being without heating and lighting if they cannot afford to top up their meter. Given the recent rise in gas and electricity prices, more families are at risk of being without power. To address the situation, Alton foodbank has just become a partner of […]

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Starting July, 2021 Alton Foodbank and Citizen’s Advice East Hampshire are starting a new initiative to support people who are referred to the foodbank. Citizens Advice have recruited an advisor dedicated to supporting foodbank clients and to help address the underlying causes of food poverty. The service is open to all foodbank clients and is […]

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School Uniform Bank Update & Community Fayre

The Alton foodbank collects and sorts school uniform and then makes it available at no charge to families who come into the foodbank or are referred by their school. While we have good supplies of the school uniform basics such as grey trousers, white or blue shirts, polos etc, we are really in need of […]

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Foodbank in Market Square re-opens 7th April, 2021

The foodbank in Market Square re-opens for collection of food on April 7th. Since the beginning of 2021 the foodbank has been operating a home delivery service but with the reduction in virus circulation and the high levels of vaccination amongst the most vulnerable groups the foodbank is re-opening. Stringent infection control measures remain in […]

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Fresh Fruit delivery now available at the Foodbank

Thanks to the generosity of local people the Alton foodbank is now able to offer families referred to the foodbank a home delivery of fresh fruit and vegetables. The foodbank already provides a generous supply of packaged and tinned food but has now teamed up with Get Fresh and Fruity of Lasham to provide a […]

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The Alton Foodbank believes that no one should rely on a foodbank to feed their family. As part of the Trussell Trust we want to do our part in campaigning for a society where people do not need a foodbank to meet their most basic needs. Thanks to the generosity of local people, churches and […]

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